Lewinsky Bigfoot Sighting!
It has been reported that Monica Lewinsky is still trying to control her weight problem. Apparently, her fame and notoriety have made it difficult for her to workout in public without being hounded by news reporters, photographers and autograph hounds. It seems that the selling of Monica's whereabouts and activities to the tabloids have become sort of a national past-time. A workout trainer had said that they had been forced to go farther and farther into more secluded areas for her vigorous powerwalk exercises.
But not far enough it seems, as Monica has been spotted this time in the heavily wooded Pacific Northwest by tipster, Bigfoot. In a later interview, the sasquatch told reporters, "I was out taking my usual morning walk,, when suddenly I heard something behind me. At first, I wasn't sure exactly what it was ". "Then I just ran as fast as I could" . Visibly shaken by the encounter, and referring to the Lewinsky/ Clinton affair... Bigfoot shuddered and said, "What was he thinking?"
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